
Sr. Perpetua

Ơn Gọi của Tôi là Tình Yêu Tạ ơn là tâm tình thường trực tôi luôn muốn dâng lên Thiên Chúa, Mẹ Maria và Cha Thánh Giuse vì ơn gọi đặc biệt của mình.​Tôi sinh ra và lớn lên trong một gia đình có chín người con gồm năm trai

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Sr. Maria Theresa

My Happiness When I recall my vocation journey, my heart is always filled with happiness and gratitude. I clearly feel the great grace that God has given me through His calling, and in choosing me to dedicate myself to Him in this religious vocation. I began to recognize God’s call

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Sister Maria Joseph

Lord, what do You want me to do? I was born and raised in Vietnam. At the age of eighteen, I went to study abroad in America. Life in America in the early days were full of struggles and difficulties; God was the only friend that always accompanied me. About

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Sr. Consolata

The Call of God in My Soul I was born to devout Catholic parents in Binh Son parish, Ninh Binh province, in the Diocese of Phat Diem – Northern Vietnam. In 1954, when I was 8 years old, my parents brought me and my siblings to South Vietnam and settled

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Sister Cecilia Joseph

I Will Give you a Hundredfold Growing up in a strong Catholic family was probably one of the seedlings that brought about my desire to enter religious life. I loved reading about the lives of the saints, and I’ve always admired their courage and love for God that impelled them

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Sister Mary Clare

To be Love in the heart of the Church My name is Sr. MaryClare H. Vu. I come from a traditional Catholic family background. I was a city girl, and I attended the school that was operated by the Sisters of the Lover of the Holy Cross. During my elementary

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Sr. Maria Thérèse

Trust in God and His Providence My name is Sister Maria Thérèse Vi Nguyễn. I heard God’s call to the religious life when I was about 30 years old. At that time, I was living with my mother and two brothers. I had a stable job, and I had hoped

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