Community Life

"Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are My disciples."

Since all have the same ideal, our Sisters follow the same spiritual way, observe the same Constitution, follow one tradition, pray together, do apostolic works together, rest and recreate together, and perform other works in common life.

* Watch video Day in the Life of a CMRM ===>

Life of Prayer

Being drawn by God the Father through the strength of the Holy Spirit to live a life more closely united with Jesus Christ, our Sisters positively carry out His precept: “Pray always” (Lk 18:1).

Our life of prayer consists of the following:

– The Holy Mass
– Adoration of the Holy Eucharist
– Liturgy of the Hours
– The Holy Rosary
– Spiritual Reading
– Daily Examination of Conscience
– The Stations of the Cross
– Monthly and Annual Recollection
– Special Devotions


While we spent hours for labor, wealso have time for relaxation and recreation with each other.  Community time is essential to build a firm and loving congregation in the life of the Church.

Our recreation activities included traveling, entertainment, and sports.


Becoming poor as Christ,  our Sisters willingly labor with diligence, perseverance, and responsibility.

We have and will pray to the special model found in Saint Joseph, the Guardian of our Congregation.  Saint Joseph was the diligent worker in the spirit of service and humility.

Our Horarium:

  • First Thursday of the Month Evening – Holy Hour for vocations
  • 1st Sunday of the month – Retreat


Weekdays (Monday – Friday)

  • Morning:
    5:30 am Rising
    5:50 am Morning prayers (Lauds) & Meditation
    6:45 am The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
    7:30 am Depart to our various apostolates
    (Little Flower Childcare Center, teaching in the diocesan schools, etc…)


  • Evening– Sisters return from apostolate
    6:00 pm Stations of the Cross (Friday)
    6:15 pm Exposition, Vespers (Evening Prayer) and Rosary
    7:05 pm Supper
    7:30 – 9:15pm free time; classes for Juniorate
    9:15 pm Scripture sharing
    9:30 pm Compline (Night Prayer) – followed by Grand Silence
    10:30 pm Rest


  • Saturday Morning
    7:00 – Lauds (Morning Prayer) & Meditation
    8:00 – The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
    — Clean up duties
  • Afternoon
    12:00 Rosary
    12:30 Lunch
    2:00 – Afternoon prayers & spiritual reading; teach CCD
  • Evening
    6:15 – 7:00 Exposition, Vesper (Evening Prayer) 7:00 – Supper
    8:15 – Scripture sharing/Community Recreation
    10:00 Compline (Night Prayer)
    10:30 – Rest
  • Sunday
    6:50 – The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
    7:00 – Lauds (Morning Prayer) & Meditation
    12:00 Rosary
    12:30 Lunch
    2:30 – 4:30 Adoration by groups

    6:00 – Exposition, Vesper (Evening Prayer) & Divine Mercy Chaplet
    7:00 – Dinner
    9:00 – Scripture sharing & community meeting
    9:30 – Compline (Night Prayer)
    10:30 – Rest

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